
Individual Blog Reflection

Individual Blog Reflection




Conflicts in our team






          Actually, it also has some conflicts in our group; first of all, we should choose a communicate tool with the night team. Our team prefers to use WeChat, nevertheless, night team would like to use WhatsApp. Both of us give some reasons that why we choose our preferable communication tools. In the beginning, none of us would like to yield. However, considering the solidarity and the further corporation with the night team, we choose to yield. Although it involves giving in completely to the other side’s wishes, with little attention to our own interests, we tackle it in a peaceful way. At last, we spent eight HKD to download the WhatsApp.





     In the first conflict, I also want to use the five stages of conflict to analyze it.



     The first stage is potential opposition or incompatibility.

      In the first stage, it has three aspects, communication, structure, personal value.

I suppose we belong to the personal value. Joe and Chris are from Hong Kong; Monkey, Jake and I are from Mainland. Both of us receive different styles of education, cultures and use diverse communication apps. This all could be the reason of the potential opposition.


      In the second stage, it is cognition and personalization. It includes awareness of conditions in stage 1 and the conditions cause some sort of frustration. When we discuss about the communication tool, the potential conflict appears.


      The third stage is intentions. It includes competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding and accommodating. Although we are not very willing to use Whatsapp, we also compromise to use it. It is a situation in which our team to a conflict is willing to give up something.


      The fourth stage is behavior. In this stage, we have decided to choose Whatsapp that frustrate our team’s interest.


     The fifth stage is outcome. It includes functional outcomes from conflict, creating functional conflict and dysfunctional outcomes from conflict. We got a functional outcome from the conflict. It helps us to communicate with each other more effectively than before.





        Moreover, we communicate this communication tools topic through e-mails. It also escalates the conflict. For example, the low feedback, electronic communication generates little feedback. Although the night class put forward to their reasons, but we couldn’t fluidly adjust their comments to repair missteps or clarify misunderstandings. However, face- to-face communication could reduce the misunderstandings and could be more effective. Also, recipients can often perceive communication tactics as “heavier” than intended. This causes social bonds to weaken and the involved parties find it more difficult to resolve conflicts. (Peter Gwynne, fall 2002)What’s more, e-mail communication lacks the emotional expression, but it quite apparent in the face-to-face communication. Hence, our group rely more on messages’ cognitive content to manage conflict. In addition, although e-mail contents often include greetings or other words of social words, like “Best Regards” “Sincere Yours”, the power of such rituals to remind individuals of social norms and rules declines significantly the longer the delay between message exchanges. When long delays exist, message recipients may respond in socially inappropriate ways, not empathetically or aggressively.  




      In our group, we also have another conflict, when we first time to have discussion in the class, or did some practice in our class, someone should be a representative to present our conclusion and perspective. However, none of us would like to present, after our negotiation, we choose Monkey was the first one to present the content, and me and Jake in return in the next opportunity. We find a mutually beneficial solution to the disagreement. When we present, it is a good opportunity to practice our oral English and presentation skills. I suppose it is a three-three orientation.


     The third conflict is the timing between our two teams. Firstly, when we communicate with each other through emails, when we send the email to the night team, they reply us within 2 days, we suppose it is too late, asked they reply as quickly as possible, however, they said they are on duty in the daytime, maybe time is limited. But at last, we reach an agreement; we should reply the email within one day.  It is more effective than before. Moreover, in order to communicate with each other more effective, we decide to have a skype meeting, however, time is a big problem, sometimes they are available for that time, but we could not, sometimes we are available for that time, but they could not. But after our negotiation, we decided to choose the time when they have a class in the night. The time issue satisfies both sides interest. Both of us satisfied the final agreements. We share our information initiatively in this issue; find a decent way to tackle these two problems, because information sharing is a significant feature of this style because both parties collaborate to identify common ground and potential solutions that satisfy everyone involved.


     The fourth conflict is about the logo for the group. At first, our group just had two team members, Monkey and me. However, in the second class, the schedule has been changed. Every group should have three team members. Hence, Jake joined our team. Meanwhile, Monkey and I discussed the topic about choose which logo be our team logo as followed.



     Monkey prefers to the first logo, he thought is more active and vigorous. It represents our young people’s image. However, I supposed the second logo is more suitable, the first logo seemed like a little bloody and unfriendly. The second logo gives a sense of steady and friendly. It makes people feel more comfortable than the second logo. We have distinctive perspective for the team logo. Meanwhile, Jake also participated in the discussion between us, and he also preferred the second logo. After some minutes, monkey yield to choose our idea. I suppose during this discussion, we experienced the soft negotiation. Both of us are cooperative, we didn’t yield or avoid. Choosing more suitable logo is our outcome and goal. During the discussion, we trust the other. Monkey also made concessions to build relationship, because the relationship is quite significant for the future corporation between us. So he changed his positions easily and yielded to pressure.



Successful Corporation


I suppose the virtual team corporation is successful between our team and night class team. I will analyze it through opportunity and challenges, strong leadership, build trust, develop self-management and managing virtual teams.


Opportunity and Challenges


For all of us, managing the virtual world is a new word to us. In our group, we lacked working experiences, and both of us are fresh graduates. However, after a semester’s virtual experience, I suppose it is a desirable way to corporate with others. It could save time and expenses. We could connect with each other span across spatial distance and multiple time zones. Except use the email to communicate with each other, the two teams also want to decide an Apps to enhance the efficiency of the communication. After we compromised to choose WhatsApp be our communication tool. We are not very familiar with the tool. It is a challenge for us, because it inhibits the cultural change needed at the team level to support virtualized work properly. However, we tried our utmost to adapt it as soon as possible, and both of us are quick learner. We could master the tool well.


 Secondly, the strong leadership is among us. Actually, in our team, we don’t have a team leader. But we could share the responsibility of the leader. For example, Jake is good at technology knowledge, and he could build the blog and be very sensitive to the software. Once it generated some problems about the technology, he is very willing to lead us to tackle the related problems, and he could give us the decent support to solve it. Afterwards, take me for example about the sharing leadership. When we have videoconferencing with the night team, the communication seems like a problem. Because they can’t speak Mandarin, and Monkey and Jake can’t speak Cantonese. But we thought if we speak English is quite weird as both of us are Chinese. Nevertheless, I could master Mandarin and Cantonese, so when we have a videoconferencing, I lead us to communicate with each other and help team members to articulate their perspective more clearly. Through my leadership in this aspect, team members could receive information for the project and feel connected and engaged.


 Thirdly, build trust. Trust is a significant component of many interpersonal relationships and interactions, including face-to-face and virtual teams. Members in high-performing teams have high level of trust in one another. Monkey, Jake and I build the trust easily. We meet with each other in every class, and we also share some interesting topics and events recently to each other not only in the classroom but also after class, like have a lunch or dinner. We build a Wechat discussion room, sharing some stimulating pictures or desirable music in it. Hence, this project boost the good friendship between us, so trust is an essential factor to do the project for us. However, developing trust in virtual teams consisting of diverse members with little or no history of working together. We just could get information about Chris and Joe from their blog. Sometimes the deadline is short and no fact-to-face time to establish trust, the team members relied on expectations of trust from other settings that were similar. When we had the first virtual meeting, they could illustrate many constructive ideas and suggestion to us. It showed that before the videoconferencing, they prepared well. The most important thing is that they are trustworthy. Maybe our teams are not the very high-performing teams, but I suppose we build the decent levels of trust in one another.



 Fourthly, manage virtual teams. I suppose the Professor Frank could be regard as the leader in the whole semester. Some areas could be addressed to maximize productivity for the virtual teams.


Firstly, is the task right for a virtual team?

  I suppose the final project is quite suitable for the collaboration of virtual teams. The task is a little challenge for us, but I suppose if we put many efforts on it, we also could gain a success and learn much stuff from the virtual collaboration. Chris and Joe have a lot of working experience, and they could use the experience to broaden the project more practical. Monkey, Jake and I also received many years’ education, and we could utilize the knowledge pools to complete the task.


Second, does the organization support a virtual team? Actually I suppose Frank paid a lot of efforts on the virtual team’s constructions. He is a very responsible professor. In the beginning of the class, we are not very familiar with the project as most of us are the first time to engage in the virtual collaboration. But he is always very patient to us and answers our questions in every detail. When we do the presentations, he always the most careful listener, he could provide many useful advices to us. Our team also benefit from his suggestions. When we submit the report to him, although the workforce is huge, we could see that he read every report very carefully, and the suggestions are also very constructive to us. All in all, the organization definitely supports the virtual team.





I suppose our team coordinate the work well, when we discuss the project, all of us could propose our ideas and combine the ideas into our project. Our group actively makes a decision. We also learned much knowledge through the whole master. However, sometimes we didn’t finish some projects or assignments very well as it is a little superficial, we could pay more attention on it and give more related references to enable the project more professional. We should enhance our knowledge management to tackle this problem, master more explicit knowledge, like from database, reports, papers and son on. Afterwards, use this knowledge to analyze the project.




Golnaz Sadri and John Condia, January 2012, Managing the Virtual World

Andrew Hargadon and Robert I. Sutton, May 2000, Havard Business Review, Building Innovation Factory

Price, Deborah Evans,10/23/2010,COMMUNITY CHEST. Vol. 122 Issue 42

Stephen Denning, Telling Tales, May 2004. P122-128.

N. Venkatraman and John C. Henderson, Sloan Management Review,1998.

